Package proguard.util

Class WildcardManager

  • public class WildcardManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    This utility class creates and manages StringMatcher instances that (1) match wildcards, and (2) refer back to matched wildcards.

    Each instance represents a scope in which wildcards can be specified and referenced.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a new WildcardManager.
      WildcardManager​(WildcardManager wildcardManager)
      Creates a new WildcardManager with the current list of string matchers of the given WildcardManager.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      StringFunction createMatchedStringFunction​(java.lang.String expression)
      Creates new StringFunction that transforms the given expression with possible references to wildcards, based on the list of string matchers.
      MatchedStringMatcher createMatchedStringMatcher​(int index, StringMatcher nextMatcher)
      Creates new MatchedStringMatcher to match the the specified variable string matcher from the list of string matchers.
      VariableStringMatcher createVariableStringMatcher​(char[] allowedCharacters, char[] disallowedCharacters, int minimumLength, int maximumLength, StringMatcher nextMatcher)
      Creates a new VariableStringMatcher and remembers it as a next element in the list of string matchers, so it can be referenced by its index later.
      void rememberVariableStringMatcher​(VariableStringMatcher variableStringMatcher)
      Remembers the given VariableStringMatcher as a next element in the list of string matchers, so it can be referenced by its index later.
      void reset()
      Resets the list of string matchers.
      int wildCardIndex​(java.lang.String regularExpression, int index)
      Parses a reference to a wildcard at a given index, if any.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • WildcardManager

        public WildcardManager()
        Creates a new WildcardManager.
      • WildcardManager

        public WildcardManager​(WildcardManager wildcardManager)
        Creates a new WildcardManager with the current list of string matchers of the given WildcardManager.
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets the list of string matchers.
      • createVariableStringMatcher

        public VariableStringMatcher createVariableStringMatcher​(char[] allowedCharacters,
                                                                 char[] disallowedCharacters,
                                                                 int minimumLength,
                                                                 int maximumLength,
                                                                 StringMatcher nextMatcher)
        Creates a new VariableStringMatcher and remembers it as a next element in the list of string matchers, so it can be referenced by its index later.
        allowedCharacters - an optional list of allowed characters.
        disallowedCharacters - an optional list of disallowed characters.
        minimumLength - the minimum length of te variable string.
        maximumLength - the maximum length of te variable string.
        nextMatcher - an optional next matcher for the remainder of the string.
      • rememberVariableStringMatcher

        public void rememberVariableStringMatcher​(VariableStringMatcher variableStringMatcher)
        Remembers the given VariableStringMatcher as a next element in the list of string matchers, so it can be referenced by its index later.
      • createMatchedStringMatcher

        public MatchedStringMatcher createMatchedStringMatcher​(int index,
                                                               StringMatcher nextMatcher)
        Creates new MatchedStringMatcher to match the the specified variable string matcher from the list of string matchers.
        index - the 0-based index of previously created and remembered VariableStringMatcher instances.
        nextMatcher - an optional next matcher for the remainder of the string.
      • createMatchedStringFunction

        public StringFunction createMatchedStringFunction​(java.lang.String expression)
        Creates new StringFunction that transforms the given expression with possible references to wildcards, based on the list of string matchers.

        For example: "foo<1>" returns a string function that prepends "foo" to the first wildcard of the recently matched string.

      • wildCardIndex

        public int wildCardIndex​(java.lang.String regularExpression,
                                 int index)
                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Parses a reference to a wildcard at a given index, if any.

        For example: "foo<1>" at index 0 returns -1, "foo<1>" at index 3 returns 0. "foo<8>" at index 3 returns 7.

        regularExpression - the regular expression.
        index - the index at which the regular expression is to be checked for a reference.
        the 0-based index of the back reference, or -1 otherwise.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the reference is malformed.