
Class PrioritizingJarReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PrioritizingJarReader
    extends JarReader
    This JarReader lets a given DataEntryReader read all data entries of the read archive data entries in an order that respects a set of given priorities.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PrioritizingJarReader

        public PrioritizingJarReader​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer> priorityMap,
                                     DataEntryReader dataEntryReader)
        Creates a new PrioritizingJarReader that delegates reads to the given DataEntryReader in the order decided by the given priority map.
        priorityMap - a map linking filters to priority values. Lower priority values mean higher reading priority. The priority of entries that don't match any filters defaults to 0.
        dataEntryReader - the reader that can process the jar entries.
      • PrioritizingJarReader

        public PrioritizingJarReader​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer> priorityMap,
                                     boolean jmod,
                                     DataEntryReader dataEntryReader)
        Creates a new PrioritizingJarReader that delegates reads to the given DataEntryReader in the order decided by the given priority map. This reader can optionally read jmod files.
        priorityMap - a map linking filters to priority values. Lower priority values mean higher reading priority. The priority of entries that don't match any filters defaults to 0.
        jmod - specifies whether the input jar is actually a jmod file.
        dataEntryReader - the reader that can process the jar entries.