Class InstructionOffsetValue

  • public class InstructionOffsetValue
    extends Category1Value
    Representation of a partially evaluated instruction offset. It can contain 0 or more specific instruction offsets. Each instruction offset can be flagged as an ordinary offset, a method parameter, a method return value, a field value, a new instance value, or an exception handler.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InstructionOffsetValue

        public InstructionOffsetValue​(int value)
        Creates a new InstructionOffsetValue with the given instruction offset.
      • InstructionOffsetValue

        public InstructionOffsetValue​(int[] values)
        Creates a new InstructionOffsetValue with the given list of instruction offsets.
    • Method Detail

      • instructionOffsetCount

        public int instructionOffsetCount()
        Returns the number of instruction offsets of this value.
      • instructionOffset

        public int instructionOffset​(int index)
        Returns the specified instruction offset of this value.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int value)
        Returns whether the given value is present in this list of instruction offsets.
      • minimumValue

        public int minimumValue()
        Returns the minimum value from this list of instruction offsets. Returns Integer.MAX_VALUE if the list is empty.
      • maximumValue

        public int maximumValue()
        Returns the maximum value from this list of instruction offsets. Returns Integer.MIN_VALUE if the list is empty.
      • isMethodParameter

        public boolean isMethodParameter​(int index)
        Returns whether the specified instruction offset corresponds to a method parameter.
      • methodParameter

        public int methodParameter​(int index)
        Returns the specified method parameter (assuming it is one).
      • isMethodReturnValue

        public boolean isMethodReturnValue​(int index)
        Returns whether the specified instruction offset corresponds to a method return value.
      • isFieldValue

        public boolean isFieldValue​(int index)
        Returns whether the specified instruction offset corresponds to a field value.
      • isNewinstance

        public boolean isNewinstance​(int index)
        Returns whether the specified instruction offset corresponds to a new instance.
      • isCast

        public boolean isCast​(int index)
        Returns whether the specified instruction offset corresponds to a cast.
      • isExceptionHandler

        public boolean isExceptionHandler​(int index)
        Returns whether the specified instruction offset corresponds to an exception handler.
      • add

        public InstructionOffsetValue add​(int value)
        Returns an InstructionOffsetValue that contains the instructions offsets of this value and the given instruction offset.
      • remove

        public InstructionOffsetValue remove​(int value)
        Returns an InstructionOffsetValue that contains the instructions offsets of this value but not the given instruction offset.
      • generalize

        public final InstructionOffsetValue generalize​(InstructionOffsetValue other)
        Returns the generalization of this InstructionOffsetValue and the given other InstructionOffsetValue. The values of the other InstructionOffsetValue are guaranteed to remain at the end of the list, in the same order.
      • isSpecific

        public boolean isSpecific()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Returns whether this Value represents a single specific (but possibly unknown) value.
        isSpecific in class Value
      • isParticular

        public boolean isParticular()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Returns whether this Value represents a single particular (known) value.
        isParticular in class Value
      • generalize

        public final Value generalize​(Value other)
        Description copied from class: Value
        Returns the generalization of this Value and the given other Value.
        Specified by:
        generalize in class Value
      • computationalType

        public final int computationalType()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Returns the computational type of this Value.
        Specified by:
        computationalType in class Value
      • internalType

        public final java.lang.String internalType()
        Description copied from class: Value
        Returns the internal type of this Value.
        Specified by:
        internalType in class Value
        TypeConstants.BOOLEAN, TypeConstants.BYTE, TypeConstants.CHAR, TypeConstants.SHORT, TypeConstants.INT , TypeConstants.LONG, TypeConstants.FLOAT, TypeConstants.DOUBLE, TypeConstants.CLASS_START ... TypeConstants.CLASS_END , or an array type containing any of these types (always as String).
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object object)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object