Class TracedVariables

  • public class TracedVariables
    extends Variables
    This Variables saves additional information with variables, to keep track of their origins.

    The class stores a given producer Value along with each Value it stores. It then generalizes a given collected Value with the producer Value of each Value it loads. The producer Value and the initial collected Value can be set; the generalized collected Value can be retrieved.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TracedVariables

        public TracedVariables​(int size)
        Creates a new TracedVariables with a given size.
      • TracedVariables

        public TracedVariables​(TracedVariables tracedVariables)
        Creates a new TracedVariables that is a copy of the given TracedVariables.
    • Method Detail

      • setProducerValue

        public void setProducerValue​(Value producerValue)
        Sets the Value that will be stored along with all store instructions.
      • getProducerValue

        public Value getProducerValue​(int index)
        Gets the producer Value for the specified variable, without disturbing it.
        index - the variable index.
        the producer value of the given variable.
      • setProducerValue

        public void setProducerValue​(int index,
                                     Value value)
        Sets the given producer Value for the specified variable, without disturbing it.
        index - the variable index.
        value - the producer value to set.
      • reset

        public void reset​(int size)
        Description copied from class: Variables
        Resets this Variables object, so that it can be reused.
        reset in class Variables
      • generalize

        public boolean generalize​(TracedVariables other,
                                  boolean clearConflictingOtherVariables)
      • store

        public void store​(int index,
                          Value value)
        Description copied from class: Variables
        Stores the given Value at the given variable index.
        store in class Variables
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object object)
        equals in class Variables
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class Variables