Class LivenessAnalyzer

    • Constructor Detail

      • LivenessAnalyzer

        public LivenessAnalyzer()
        Creates a new LivenessAnalyzer.
      • LivenessAnalyzer

        public LivenessAnalyzer​(PartialEvaluator partialEvaluator,
                                boolean runPartialEvaluator,
                                InitializationFinder initializationFinder,
                                boolean runInitializationFinder)
        Creates a new LivenessAnalyzer that will use the given partial evaluator and initialization finder.
        partialEvaluator - the evaluator to be used for the analysis.
        runPartialEvaluator - specifies whether to run this evaluator on every code attribute that is visited.
        initializationFinder - the initialization finder to be used for the analysis.
        runInitializationFinder - specifies whether to run this initialization finder on every code attribute that is visited.
    • Method Detail

      • isTraced

        public boolean isTraced​(int instructionOffset)
        Returns whether the instruction at the given offset has ever been executed during the partial evaluation.
      • isAliveBefore

        public boolean isAliveBefore​(int instructionOffset,
                                     int variableIndex)
        Returns whether the specified variable is alive before the instruction at the given offset.
      • setAliveBefore

        public void setAliveBefore​(int instructionOffset,
                                   int variableIndex,
                                   boolean alive)
        Sets whether the specified variable is alive before the instruction at the given offset.
      • isAliveAfter

        public boolean isAliveAfter​(int instructionOffset,
                                    int variableIndex)
        Returns whether the specified variable is alive after the instruction at the given offset.
      • setAliveAfter

        public void setAliveAfter​(int instructionOffset,
                                  int variableIndex,
                                  boolean alive)
        Sets whether the specified variable is alive after the instruction at the given offset.
      • isCategory2

        public boolean isCategory2​(int instructionOffset,
                                   int variableIndex)
        Returns whether the specified variable takes up two entries after the instruction at the given offset.
      • setCategory2

        public void setCategory2​(int instructionOffset,
                                 int variableIndex,
                                 boolean category2)
        Sets whether the specified variable takes up two entries after the instruction at the given offset.
      • visitAnyAttribute

        public void visitAnyAttribute​(Clazz clazz,
                                      Attribute attribute)
        Description copied from interface: AttributeVisitor
        Visits any Attribute instance. The more specific default implementations of this interface delegate to this method.
        Specified by:
        visitAnyAttribute in interface AttributeVisitor