Class ExceptionInfo

    • Field Detail

      • u2startPC

        public int u2startPC
      • u2endPC

        public int u2endPC
      • u2handlerPC

        public int u2handlerPC
      • u2catchType

        public int u2catchType
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExceptionInfo

        public ExceptionInfo()
        Creates an uninitialized ExceptionInfo.
      • ExceptionInfo

        public ExceptionInfo​(int u2startPC,
                             int u2endPC,
                             int u2handlerPC,
                             int u2catchType)
        Creates an ExceptionInfo with the given properties.
    • Method Detail

      • isApplicable

        public boolean isApplicable​(int instructionOffset)
        Returns whether the exception's try block contains the instruction at the given offset.
      • isApplicable

        public boolean isApplicable​(int startOffset,
                                    int endOffset)
        Returns whether the exception's try block overlaps with the specified block of instructions.