Class JvmFrameAbstractState<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • JvmFrameAbstractState

        public JvmFrameAbstractState()
        Create an empty frame.
      • JvmFrameAbstractState

        public JvmFrameAbstractState​(ListAbstractState<StateT> localVariables,
                                     StackAbstractState<StateT> operandStack)
        Create a frame from a local variable array and an operand stack.
        localVariables - a local variable array
        operandStack - an operand stack
    • Method Detail

      • peekOrDefault

        public StateT peekOrDefault​(int index,
                                    StateT defaultState)
        Returns the indexth element from the top of the operand stack or returns defaultState if the stack does not have enough elements.
      • peek

        public StateT peek​(int index)
        Returns the indexth element from the top of the operand stack.
      • pop

        public StateT pop()
        Removes the top element of the operand stack end returns it.
      • popOrDefault

        public StateT popOrDefault​(StateT defaultState)
        Removes the top element of the operand stack end returns it. Returns defaultState if the stack is empty.
      • push

        public StateT push​(StateT state)
        Inserts state to the top of the operand stack and returns it.
      • pushAll

        public java.util.List<StateT> pushAll​(java.util.List<StateT> states)
        Sequentially inserts elements of states to the top of the operand stack and returns states.
      • getVariableOrDefault

        public StateT getVariableOrDefault​(int index,
                                           StateT defaultState)
        Returns an abstract state at the indexth position of the variable array or defaultState if there is no entry.
      • setVariable

        public StateT setVariable​(int index,
                                  StateT state,
                                  StateT defaultState)
        Sets the indexth position of the variable array to state and returns state. If the array has to be extended, the added cells are padded with defaultState.