Class JvmTaintCpa

    • Constructor Detail

      • JvmTaintCpa

        public JvmTaintCpa​(java.util.Set<? extends JvmTaintSource> sources)
        Create a taint CPA.
        sources - a set of taint sources
      • JvmTaintCpa

        public JvmTaintCpa​(java.util.Map<Signature,​java.util.Set<JvmTaintSource>> signaturesToSources,
                           java.util.Map<MethodSignature,​JvmTaintTransformer> taintTransformers,
                           java.util.Map<Call,​java.util.Set<JvmMemoryLocation>> extraTaintPropagationLocations,
                           AbortOperator abortOperator)
        Create a taint CPA.
        signaturesToSources - a mapping from method signature to taint sources
        taintTransformers - a mapping from method signature to a transformer object applied to the taint state when that method is invoked
        extraTaintPropagationLocations - a mapping from a specific method call to any jvm state location that is tainted as a result of the call
        abortOperator - an operator used to stop the analysis prematurely.
    • Method Detail

      • createSourcesMap

        public static java.util.Map<Signature,​java.util.Set<JvmTaintSource>> createSourcesMap​(java.util.Set<? extends JvmTaintSource> sources)
        Since the used data structure is a map that uses the fqn as key, which is a parameter of the TaintSources, this method constructs the map correctly starting from a set of sources.