Interface ExpandOperator<ContentT extends AbstractState<ContentT>>

    • Method Detail

      • expand

        JvmAbstractState<ContentT> expand​(JvmAbstractState<ContentT> expandedInitialState,
                                          JvmAbstractState<ContentT> reducedExitState,
                                          JvmCfaNode blockEntryNode,
                                          Call call)
        Reconstructs the state of the caller of a procedure using the information of the expanded initial state, the reduced exit state, the block entry node (that can be used to retrieve the CFA subgraph of the function), and the call to the procedure.
        expandedInitialState - the entry state of the called procedure before any reduction
        reducedExitState - the state of the called procedure in its exit node
        blockEntryNode - the entry node of the called procedure
        call - the information of the call to the procedure
        The state of the caller after the procedure call, eventually with some collisions of identifiers that need the RebuildOperator to be solved