Class CpaAlgorithm<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>>

  • Type Parameters:
    StateT - The type of the analyzed states.

    public class CpaAlgorithm<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    This is the CPA+ algorithm. The algorithm computes the set of reached states based on the initial content of the waitlist.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CpaAlgorithm

        public CpaAlgorithm​(ConfigurableProgramAnalysis<StateT> cpa)
        Create an algorithm to run the specified CPA.
        cpa - a CPA instance wrapping the transfer relation, the merge, and the stop operator, and the precision adjustment
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(ReachedSet<StateT> reachedSet,
                        Waitlist<StateT> waitlist)
        Launches the algorithm updating the reachedSet and the waitlist. A proper selection of parameters allows resuming the algorithm from a saved state.