Class CpaAlgorithm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CpaAlgorithm
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Algorithm
    This is the CPA+ Algorithm. The algorithm computes the set of reached states based on the initial content of the waitlist.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CpaAlgorithm

        public CpaAlgorithm​(ConfigurableProgramAnalysis cpa)
        Create an algorithm to run the specified CPA.
        cpa - a CPA instance wrapping the transfer relation, the merge, and the stop operator, and the precision adjustment
      • CpaAlgorithm

        public CpaAlgorithm​(TransferRelation transferRelation,
                            MergeOperator mergeOperator,
                            StopOperator stopOperator,
                            PrecisionAdjustment precisionAdjustment)
        Create a CPA algorithm from CPA components.
        transferRelation - a transfer relation specifying how successor states are computed
        mergeOperator - a merge operator defining how (and whether) the older AbstractState should be updated with the newly discovered AbstractState
        stopOperator - a stop operator deciding whether the successor state should be added to the ReachedSet based on the content of the latter
        precisionAdjustment - a precision adjustment selecting the Precision for the currently processed AbstractState considering the ReachedSet content
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(ReachedSet reachedSet,
                        Waitlist waitlist,
                        AbortOperator abortOperator)
        Algorithm from the paper is parametrized with the reached set and the waitlist. Thus one can select the start point of the algorithm (e.g., for resuming the analysis). The abortOperator determines whether the analysis should end prematurely.
        Specified by:
        run in interface Algorithm