AnalyzeTaints |
This sample application illustrates how to perform taint analysis with the ProGuard API.
ApplyPeepholeOptimizations |
This sample application illustrates how to modify bytecode with the ProGuardCORE API.
CreateHelloWorldClass |
This sample application illustrates how to create a class with the ProGuardCORE API.
CyclomaticComplexity |
This sample application illustrates how to use visitors to iterate over specific instructions and
exception handlers.
EvaluateCode |
This sample application illustrates how to evaluate the bytecode of a method to get information
about its control flow and data flow.
FindBranches |
This sample application illustrates how to find branches in the code and print out some results.
JarUtil |
This utility class provides methods to read and write the classes in jars.
Preverify |
This sample application illustrates how to preverify classes with the ProGuard API.
PrintClasses |
This sample application illustrates how to read bytecode and print it out in text format with the
ProGuard API.
RemoveLogging |
This sample application illustrates how to modify bytecode with the ProGuardCORE API.
TransformExample |
TransformExample.MyTransformer |
VisualizeCfa |
This sample application produces a DOT graph representation of a Control Flow Automaton generated
by ProGuardCORE.
VisualizeControlFlow |
This sample application illustrates how to evaluate bytecode to get information about its control
flow and data flow.