Interface ValueFactory

    • Method Detail

      • createValue

        Value createValue​(java.lang.String type,
                          Clazz referencedClass,
                          boolean mayBeExtension,
                          boolean mayBeNull)
        Creates a new Value of the given type. The type must be a fully specified internal type for primitives, classes, or arrays.
      • createIntegerValue

        IntegerValue createIntegerValue()
        Creates a new IntegerValue with an undefined value.
      • createIntegerValue

        IntegerValue createIntegerValue​(int value)
        Creates a new IntegerValue with a given particular value.
      • createIntegerValue

        IntegerValue createIntegerValue​(int min,
                                        int max)
        Creates a new IntegerValue with a given possible range.
      • createLongValue

        LongValue createLongValue()
        Creates a new LongValue with an undefined value.
      • createLongValue

        LongValue createLongValue​(long value)
        Creates a new LongValue with a given particular value.
      • createFloatValue

        FloatValue createFloatValue()
        Creates a new FloatValue with an undefined value.
      • createFloatValue

        FloatValue createFloatValue​(float value)
        Creates a new FloatValue with a given particular value.
      • createDoubleValue

        DoubleValue createDoubleValue()
        Creates a new DoubleValue with an undefined value.
      • createDoubleValue

        DoubleValue createDoubleValue​(double value)
        Creates a new DoubleValue with a given particular value.
      • createReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValue()
        Creates a new ReferenceValue of an undefined type.
      • createReferenceValueNull

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValueNull()
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents null.
      • createReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                            Clazz referencedClass,
                                            boolean mayBeExtension,
                                            boolean mayBeNull)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null, the ReferenceValue represents null.
      • createReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                            Clazz referencedClass,
                                            boolean mayBeExtension,
                                            boolean maybeNull,
                                            java.lang.Object value)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null, the ReferenceValue represents null. The object is the actual value of the reference during execution (can be null).

        Deprecated, use createReferenceValue(Clazz, boolean, boolean, AnalyzedObject).

      • createReferenceValue

        default ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(Clazz referencedClass,
                                                    boolean mayBeExtension,
                                                    boolean maybeNull,
                                                    @NotNull AnalyzedObject value)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null, the ReferenceValue represents null.

        The object wrapped by AnalyzedObject is either the value of the reference during execution or a Model of it.

      • createReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                            Clazz referencedClass,
                                            boolean mayBeExtension,
                                            boolean maybeNull,
                                            Clazz creationClass,
                                            Method creationMethod,
                                            int creationOffset)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type, created at the specified code location. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null , the ReferenceValue represents null.

        Deprecated, use createReferenceValue(String, Clazz, boolean, boolean, CodeLocation)

      • createReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                            Clazz referencedClass,
                                            boolean mayBeExtension,
                                            boolean maybeNull,
                                            CodeLocation creationLocation)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type, created at the specified code location. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null , the ReferenceValue represents null.
      • createReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                            Clazz referencedClass,
                                            boolean mayBeExtension,
                                            boolean maybeNull,
                                            Clazz creationClass,
                                            Method creationMethod,
                                            int creationOffset,
                                            java.lang.Object value)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type, created at the specified code location. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null , the ReferenceValue represents null. The object is the actual value of the reference during execution (can be null).

        Deprecated, use createReferenceValue(Clazz, boolean, boolean, CodeLocation, AnalyzedObject)

      • createReferenceValue

        default ReferenceValue createReferenceValue​(Clazz referencedClass,
                                                    boolean mayBeExtension,
                                                    boolean maybeNull,
                                                    CodeLocation creationLocation,
                                                    @NotNull AnalyzedObject value)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type, created at the specified code location. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null , the ReferenceValue represents null.

        The object wrapped by AnalyzedObject is either the value of the reference during execution or a Model of it.

      • createReferenceValueForId

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValueForId​(java.lang.String type,
                                                 Clazz referencedClass,
                                                 boolean mayBeExtension,
                                                 boolean maybeNull,
                                                 java.lang.Object id)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type with a specified ID. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null, the ReferenceValue represents null.
      • createReferenceValueForId

        ReferenceValue createReferenceValueForId​(java.lang.String type,
                                                 Clazz referencedClass,
                                                 boolean mayBeExtension,
                                                 boolean maybeNull,
                                                 java.lang.Object id,
                                                 java.lang.Object value)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type with a specified ID. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null, the ReferenceValue represents null. The object is the actual value of the reference during execution (can be null).

        Deprecated, use createReferenceValueForId(Clazz, boolean, boolean, Object, AnalyzedObject).

      • createReferenceValueForId

        default ReferenceValue createReferenceValueForId​(Clazz referencedClass,
                                                         boolean mayBeExtension,
                                                         boolean maybeNull,
                                                         java.lang.Object id,
                                                         @NotNull AnalyzedObject value)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents the given type with a specified ID. The type must be an internal class name or an array type. If the type is null, the ReferenceValue represents null.

        The object wrapped by AnalyzedObject is either the value of the reference during execution or a Model of it.

      • createArrayReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createArrayReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                                 Clazz referencedClass,
                                                 IntegerValue arrayLength)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents a non-null array with elements of the given type, with the given length.
      • createArrayReferenceValue

        ReferenceValue createArrayReferenceValue​(java.lang.String type,
                                                 Clazz referencedClass,
                                                 IntegerValue arrayLength,
                                                 java.lang.Object elementValues)
        Creates a new ReferenceValue that represents a non-null array with elements of the given type, with the given length and initial element values.