AssignStmt |
Represent an Assign statement
BaseSwitchStmt |
GotoStmt |
Represent a GOTO statement
IfStmt |
Represent a IF statement
LabelStmt |
Represent a Label statement
LookupSwitchStmt |
Represent a LOOKUP_SWITCH statement
NopStmt |
Represent a NOP statement
ReturnVoidStmt |
Represent a RETURN_VOID statement
Stmt |
Represent a statement
Stmt.E0Stmt |
Represent a statement with no argument
Stmt.E1Stmt |
Represent a statement with 1 argument
Stmt.E2Stmt |
Represent a statement with 2 arguments
StmtList |
Represent a list of statement.
Stmts |
TableSwitchStmt |
Represent a TABLE_SWITCH statement
UnopStmt |
VoidInvokeStmt |
Represent a void-expr: the expr result is ignored.