Class MethodImplementationTraveler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MethodImplementationTraveler
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements MemberVisitor
    This MemberVisitor lets a given MemberVisitor travel to all concrete and abstract implementations of the visited methods in their class hierarchies.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodImplementationTraveler

        public MethodImplementationTraveler​(boolean visitThisMethod,
                                            boolean visitSuperMethods,
                                            boolean visitInterfaceMethods,
                                            boolean visitOverridingMethods,
                                            MemberVisitor memberVisitor)
        Creates a new MethodImplementationTraveler.
        visitThisMethod - specifies whether to visit the originally visited methods.
        visitSuperMethods - specifies whether to visit the method in the super classes.
        visitInterfaceMethods - specifies whether to visit the method in the interface classes.
        visitOverridingMethods - specifies whether to visit the method in the subclasses.
        memberVisitor - the MemberVisitor to which visits will be delegated.