Class Combinators

  • public final class Combinators
    extends java.lang.Object
    Wrapper class containing parser combinators. Tools to chain together multiple parsers into more complex parsers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Combinators

        public Combinators()
    • Method Detail

      • chain

        public static <A,​B,​R> Parser<R> chain​(Parser<A> aParser,
                                                          Parser<B> bParser,
                                                          Combinators.BiCombinator<A,​B,​R> combinator)
        Take two parsers and return a new one, which will pass iff both parsers succeed when running one after the other.
        Type Parameters:
        A - Return type of the first parser.
        B - Return type of the second parser.
        R - The new return type.
        aParser - The parser that should run first.
        bParser - The second parser.
        combinator - A function to combine the result of both parsers into one object.
        A new parser which succeeds only when both input parsers succeed.
      • repeat

        public static <T> Parser<java.util.List<T>> repeat​(Parser<T> parser)
        Construct a new parser, that will try to run the given one repeatedly and return a list.

        Note: This parser always succeeds, because if it won't match anything, it will still return an empty list.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Return type of the input parser.
        parser - The parser to repeatedly run.
        The new parser.
      • optional

        public static <T> Parser<java.util.Optional<T>> optional​(Parser<T> parser)
        Return a parser which succeeds even in cases when it can't parse anything.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of the parser.
        parser - A parser to wrap with an optional check.
        A new parser that doesn't fail when no input is successfully parsed.
      • oneOf

        public static <T> Parser<T> oneOf​(Parser<? extends T>... parsers)
        Given a list of parsers of the same type, return a result of the first one that succeeds. Or null if none succeed.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The return type of all the parsers involved.
        parsers - The input parsers to all try.
        A new parser that tries all the given parsers.