Class ProvidesInfo

    • Field Detail

      • u2providesIndex

        public int u2providesIndex
      • u2providesWithCount

        public int u2providesWithCount
      • u2providesWithIndex

        public int[] u2providesWithIndex
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProvidesInfo

        public ProvidesInfo()
        Creates an uninitialized ProvidesInfo.
      • ProvidesInfo

        public ProvidesInfo​(int u2providesIndex,
                            int u2providesWithCount,
                            int[] u2providesWithIndex)
        Creates an initialized ProvidesInfo.
    • Method Detail

      • providesAccept

        public void providesAccept​(Clazz clazz,
                                   ConstantVisitor constantVisitor)
        Applies the given constant pool visitor to the class constant of the provides, if any.
      • withAccept

        public void withAccept​(Clazz clazz,
                               ConstantVisitor constantVisitor)
        Applies the given constant pool visitor to all with entries.