CatchTargetInfo |
Representation of a 'catch' annotation target.
EmptyTargetInfo |
Representation of an empty annotation target.
FormalParameterTargetInfo |
Representation of a formal parameter annotation target.
LocalVariableTargetElement |
Representation of an local variable target table entry.
LocalVariableTargetInfo |
Representation of a local variable annotation target.
OffsetTargetInfo |
Representation of an offset annotation target.
SuperTypeTargetInfo |
Representation of a super type annotation target.
TargetInfo |
Representation of an annotation target.
ThrowsTargetInfo |
Representation of a 'throws' annotation target.
TypeArgumentTargetInfo |
Representation of an offset annotation target.
TypeParameterBoundTargetInfo |
Representation of a type parameter bound annotation target.
TypeParameterTargetInfo |
Representation of a type parameter annotation target.