Class JvmCfa

  • public class JvmCfa
    extends Cfa<JvmCfaNode,​JvmCfaEdge,​MethodSignature>
    A JVM specific implementation of Cfa.

    The keys of the function maps are the MethodSignatures.

    The nodes of a function are identified by the offset of the code location. Besides the normal exit node for return instructions, function can also have a special exit node for uncaught exceptions.

    An additional JvmCatchCfaNode is added for each handler in the method exception table.

    A unique JvmUnknownCfaNode node is used for instructions the successor of which is unknown.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JvmCfa

        public JvmCfa()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllNodes

        public<JvmCfaNode> getAllNodes()
        Description copied from class: Cfa
        Returns a stream of all the nodes present in the graph.

        Note: a Stream is provided to avoid creating new collections unnecessarily.

        getAllNodes in class Cfa<JvmCfaNode,​JvmCfaEdge,​MethodSignature>
      • getFunctionCatchNodes

        public java.util.Collection<JvmCatchCfaNode> getFunctionCatchNodes​(MethodSignature signature)
        Returns all the catch nodes of a specific method, returns an empty collection if the function is not in the graph or if it has no catch nodes.
        signature - The signature of the method.
      • getFunctionCatchNode

        public JvmCatchCfaNode getFunctionCatchNode​(MethodSignature signature,
                                                    int offset)
        Returns the catch node of a method the handler of which begins at the specific code offset, returns null if the method or the specific catch node are not in the graph.
        signature - The signature of the method, might be different for different domains.
        offset - The offset of the catch handler represented by the node.
      • addFunctionCatchNode

        public void addFunctionCatchNode​(MethodSignature signature,
                                         JvmCatchCfaNode node,
                                         int offset)
        Adds a catch node to the CFA (i.e. a node indicating the beginning of an exception handler).
      • containsFunctionCatchNode

        public boolean containsFunctionCatchNode​(MethodSignature signature,
                                                 int offset)
        Returns true if the catch node of the specified method at the specified offset is present in the graph.
      • getFunctionReturnExitNode

        public JvmCfaNode getFunctionReturnExitNode​(MethodSignature signature,
                                                    Clazz clazz)
        Returns the exit node of the specified method if present, otherwise creates the exit node for the method and returns it.
      • getFunctionExceptionExitNode

        public JvmCfaNode getFunctionExceptionExitNode​(MethodSignature signature,
                                                       Clazz clazz)
        Returns the exception exit node (i.e. the exit node in case of not caught exception) of the specified method if present, otherwise creates the exit node for the method and returns it.
      • addNodeIfAbsent

        public JvmCfaNode addNodeIfAbsent​(MethodSignature signature,
                                          int offset,
                                          Clazz clazz)
        If the requested function node is present in the graph return it. If the node is not present add it to the graph and return the new node.
      • addInterproceduralEdge

        public void addInterproceduralEdge​(Call call)
        Adds a call node between two methods.
      • addUnknownTargetInterproceduralEdge

        public void addUnknownTargetInterproceduralEdge​(Call call)
        Adds a call node between two methods. This is used when the target method has no CodeAttribute, which means the target method is not present in the CFA. The unknown node is set as the call target.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Removes references to this CFA nodes from the singleton JvmUnknownCfaNode and clears its node collections making it garbage collectable.