AbstractWaitlist<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This is a base class for Waitlist s parametrized by the carrier CollectionT .
BreadthFirstWaitlist<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This Waitlist pops the first element, i.e., performs a breadth first traversal over the
Cfa .
Cfa<CfaNodeT extends CfaNode<CfaEdgeT,SignatureT>,CfaEdgeT extends CfaEdge<CfaNodeT>,SignatureT extends Signature> |
A Cfa is a control flow automaton with nodes <CfaNodeT> and edges
<CfaEdgeT> .
ControllableAbortOperator |
DefaultReachedSet<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This is a LinkedHashSet -based implementation of the ReachedSet .
DepthFirstWaitlist<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This Waitlist pops the last element, i.e., performs a depth first traversal over the
Cfa .
HashMapAbstractState<KeyT,AbstractSpaceT extends AbstractState<AbstractSpaceT>> |
ListAbstractState<AbstractSpaceT extends AbstractState<AbstractSpaceT>> |
MergeJoinOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
MergeSepOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
NeverAbortOperator |
PrecisionAdjustmentResult<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
ProgramLocationDependentReachedSet<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT> & ProgramLocationDependent> |
SetAbstractState<T> |
SimpleCpa<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
StackAbstractState<AbstractSpaceT extends AbstractState<AbstractSpaceT>> |
StaticPrecisionAdjustment |
StopAlwaysOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This StopOperator always returns true, i.e., it can be used for a single pass of the
StopContainedOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
StopJoinOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This StopOperator returns true if the input state is less or equal than join over the
reached set.
StopNeverOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |
This StopOperator always returns false, i.e., it can be used for analyses running until
the Waitlist becomes empty.
StopSepOperator<StateT extends AbstractState<StateT>> |